Mrs. Mcfee was my favorite inauguration encounter. While Obama was speaking, she pulled me close to her heart and pointed to him and said, "my husband handed that man his high school diploma." Sadly, he died a month before Obama was elected
Mrs. Mcfee: 2nd row on the right in the fur hat

Here I go, entering into the blogesphere, podcasting, viral marketing new world, at what feels like a vigorous pace, one I'm not so sure I'm comfortable with. Embrace it, I say, forge ahead don't be left in the dust......
I'm still trying to overcome my technical difficulties # 1 being my malfunctioning hard drive argh.... If any of you are interested I do have images from the inauguration up on my Facebook page or on my flickr site.......choose your poison.
Inauguration observation:
I have never seen as much fur as I did down in Washington last week. But, the feeling was just too good for even PETA, no spray paint that day.
After the event I must have seen 100 single gloves on the ground in just the area where I was standing.
Here's to eight years!