Happy Earth Day!

Before I begin I would like to thank my dedicated followers.
I am so sorry for abandoning all of you this winter. No excuses, I will try hard never to do it again and if I do, please give me a nudge to show you care........thank you Eve thank you Lizzi!
If you are a newby, welcome!
I figured Earth Day would make for a suitable day to resume my blog. Anyone read Elizabeth Kolbert's comment in the New Yorker this week? It could likely inspire me to start planning now for next year's Skraptacular 40th anniversay Earth Day Parade, doesn't Macy's begin their planning the Day after Thanksgiving?
This year I will be celebrating Earth Day on Monday April 27th with the PS 178 community. We'll have a parade first thing and hopefully I'll be able to convince the princiPAL to allow the children to stay in the park for the day with a no waste picnic lunch and a tree planting ceremony......I'm also envisioning tree rubbings, tree identifying and other fun Earth Day activities. I'll let you know how it all goes.....
My dreams of organizing a construction camp to help build a studio/learning space using sustainable materials is beginning to emerge into a reality more than a dream. Anyone one know an architect to help me with the initial plans?
Please don't think I have forgotten about my show I was planning this spring it has just been postponed. It's been a busy winter, well not really but everything takes longer than you think.
More good news, my website is days away from being launched! As my followers you will all be first to have access.
and MORE good news, my nephew Ben's film The Harpist wins Best Film, Critic's Choice, Best Screenplay, Best Editing and Best Sound at the 2009 Boston College Baldwin Awards. Great job Ben!
That's it for now.
.........stay tuned for more.....I promise!
Keep up the good work, what ever that maybe.