Thank you Zaiden and Rowana for your help on the project! The originators of, The Landscape of No Away, Keesje Fischer and Patricia Eakins. As part of the Uptown Art Stroll, the flowers will appear in their glory at the entrance of the 190th St. A train stop June 4th/5th. This is TRULY a community eco-project. Thank you ladies for bringing this deeply fulfilling project to our neighborhood.
Put it on your calendar, the Maker Faire is coming to NY! I've never been but from what I see from the videos, we won't be missing it. How often do you get to witness such creativity and ingenuity in one place with the creators their to explain? The NY Hall of Science September 25 and 26th 2010.
One of the happy Dogwoods planted in Javits Playground in honor of Earth Day...... Thank you Fort Tryon Trust!
Plastic flowers were also made in the park in honor of Earth Day to then be a part of the community eco-art show, The Landscape of No Away. On display at the Fort Washington entrance to the 190th St. A train and the Isabella Geriatric Centeron June 5th and 6th as part of the Uptown Art Stroll.
This ad made a huge impression on me as a child growing up in the 70's- it's time for the remake...... And who cares if the actor wasn't actually Native American, the message still good.
Sorry for the shaky video, I was taping while speaking.....
It was a great day until I smashed the back window of my car while trying to fit the sound system in. No good deed goes unpunished....... Off to the Park to paint flowers for the eco-community art project for Uptown Art Stroll
Gearing up for the Skraptacular Earth Day Parade and Eco-fest this Friday in Anne Loftus Playground in Northern Manhattan ( A train to Dyckman stop and we are right there). We begin the day at 9:30 with a Skraptacular "Parade" comprised of 500 school kids that are determined to save the planet. Once we've gotten our message across loud and clear to Washinton Heights and Inwood the eco-performances begin. Here's the line-up: Skip Laplant from Bash The Trash doing a show-n-tell/concert with his musical instruments made from trash, The Critter Mother performs " I am Made From Trash"
and "Just Dream It Up", Granny ( the character from The Adventures of Pistachio, A Brooklyn Girl Made from Trash) does an interactive comedy routine around composting and after lunch World Musician, Skot Hanna, will perform with a multitude of eco-instruments from around the world. Please come to help us get the message out.
First radio interview about Skraptacular tonight. I'm hoping my dear followers will tune in. If you're busy tonight at 7 you can always go online another time and listen.
Sorry my dear followers for leaving you hanging for months. Let's just say I'm not the most consistent blogger but I haven't given up yet! Exciting news, I have taken Skraptacular into the non-profit arena. I'm keeping it local in the NYC district 6 school system and the Washington Heights/Inwood Community . This fall I will be doing the big fundraising push so stay tuned. Currently I'm gearing up for the Earth Day Parade involving my two Skraptacular model schools and then a rally/concert featuring Skip Laplant and Skot Hannah in the Anne Loftus Park on Friday April 23rd from 10am- 2:30 pm. On Saturady April 24th from 10-4 in Javits Park , Friends of Fort Tryon Park and Skraptacular team up with founders of The Landscape of No Away, Keesje Fischer and Patricia Eakinsin getting more plastic bottles cut and painted for the community eco-art project that will be an outdoor free exhibit at the Fort Washington entrance to the 190th St A train subway station and atIsabella Geriatric Center during the Uptown Art stroll on June 5th and 6th.
Michelle Del Guercio, a sensitive and intuitive medical, lifestyle and portrait photographer, is passionate about shooting all types of people and their environments.
Obsessed with seeking out the truth in a frozen moment, Michelle has been living and breathing photography for the past 15 years. She is now embarking on a new endeavor which she plans on dovetailing with her photography. She is starting a non-profit called Skraptacular, an exciting eco-education program that brings community together by imagining a waste-free world.
She is inspired by nature and dedicated to sustainable living, using every opportunity to incorporate these elements into her life as well as her work as a photographer.