Skraptacular has a new studio now at the Fort Washington Library Branch in the basement. We had to make some adjustments but now it is a great working space for Skraptacular. The staff at the library recently mopped the floors and cleaned out the entire studio and now it is perfectly in shape. We have running water, storage space and a great work table. Thank you to all the Skraptacular supporters out there who help us grow more and more each day.
By Gabbi, Skraptacular intern

Not only do we have a space at the Fort Washington Branch Library, we have also created a collection station specifically for bottle caps. We are embarking on our "Skraptaculinks" project. A chain of bottle caps, linking a community through sustainability. Beginning in Washington Heights and expanding as far as we let it. Come on folks, start collecting those bottle caps! You can bring them to Skraptacular headquarters in the basement of 535 179th St.
At the bottom of the stairs you will see our collection box.