Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Skraptaculinks across Northern Manhattan

Skraptaculinks, linking a community through sustainability! You too can be a part of it- just start collecting.
Thank you Mid-Orange County Correctional Facility for individually hammering holes in 10,000 bottle caps, we wouldn't be able to do it with out your help. Our Skraptaculinks project is officially underway at PS 178, Muscota New School, PS 187.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Green Party Ideas

Here's an idea that involves your friends and family in the fine art of trash collecting. When you're hosting a party always have clear signage that's fun to look at and helps the environment. It's all about being organized and neatly sorting your trash. These wrappers are yummier than the chocolates. I intend to use them on next year's Easter Bonnet.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day

Dear Earth Lovers,
Happy Earth Day from Skraptacular! This year we're postponing our Earth Day celebration for a month or so.
Come play with Skraptacular on May 7th in stunning Fort Tryon Park in Washington Heights. (A train to 190th St)
We hope to see you there!

Save the Date for the Second Annual Urban Wildlife Appreciation Day in Fort Tryon Park, Cloister Lawn, Manhattan: May 7th, 2011, 12 PM - 3:00 PM

David Weinstone and "Music for Aardvarks" will be performing!

Join us for an opportunity to get up close and personal with NYC's wild residents. Learn about squirrels, raccoons, coyotes, skunks, eagles and more. Find out the best places in NYC and NYS to watch wildlife. Educational speakers, live animals, kids activities, puppet shows, interactive animal art projects with Skraptacular, food and musical performances by Music for Aardvarks! Everyone welcome!

Sponsored by the Urban Park Rangers and the Fort Tryon Park Trust.