Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Our Sprouting Affair: A Skrappy success!

Hi, this is Julie, a Skraptacular intern, writing. Well, the event was a success. From Skip La Plant's   musical instruments fashioned from trash to the other interns running around carrying hors d'ourves, the event was highly enjoyed. With the variety of items auctioned off, it seemed like there was something for everyone. Everyone was mingling, perhaps encouraged by the fact that they were given nametags, making introductions easier. We've come to the conclusion everyone there seemed to really want to be there(we're pretty sure not just for the gift bags, which I must say were pretty incredible) because of the high level of enthusiasm, especially among our Skraptacustars. In one corner of the room hung a tree in which hung 13 stars, each decorated by Skraptacular interns. Michelle's husband Mark was genreous enough to lend us his photography studio for the night, which was decorated to the point that it took on the appearance of an art gallery. The chain link from the "Linking a Community Through Sustainability" project was carefully snaked among the pipes on the ceiling, impressing many. Right before the raffle(in which Susan Carnahan won a 100 dollar gift certificate to Fairway's and John Fortunato won a bottle of wine) Michelle gave a heart-warming speech which clearly depicted her devotion to Skraptacular, although not actually said out loud. Throughout the event, Megan Paznik  was filming, and the footage from the event and others were compiled into a video about Skraptacular that you can see below. The proceeds from the fundraiser went to the video so we hope you enjoy it! There is one last thing that I have not mentioned yet, which may be the most impressive of all. This is that not a single piece of plastic was thrown out or wasted during the event. That is what I call Skraptacu-style. 

 Enjoy this short Skrappy video that sums it all up.
