Hey Skraptaculators and Skraptacular followers! This is Gabi, Skraptacular intern. These are some pictures of recycling and sustainability around the globe. While I was away over seas in Chile, a thin south american country, I noticed that there are ways to reduce, reuse and recycle even 5,106 miles away from the city. Overall, Chile's efforts to recycle are overall good, however in the big cities like Santiago (the capital), Chileans produce 6,000 tons of waste per day! The small towns and organizations are the ones making an impact. I have provided some pictures that I took while I was away.
I traveled to a small eco hotel and restaurant called "Posada del Parque"in Mantagua, Chile (h
ttp://www.posadadelparque.cl/index.php). Throughout the property there are signs, reminding you to recycle and small containers, in which to put cigarettes. The first photo is a picture of their recycling bins. To translate, the signs read: red - plastic, green - glass, blue - paper and yellow - metal. The second photo is a cigarette container surrounded by different signs that contain eco friendly facts. The third photo is a close up of one of the signs. It says: Did you know that plastic bottles take 500 years to decompose... help us keep the earth clean. The next photo is of the 20 or more plastic bottles filled with all of the individual wrappers and small pieces of trash that they have found on the floor. My last photo is of a man in the big city of ViƱa del Mar collecting all of the cardboard boxes he can find to later recycle them. His small cart overflowing with all of the dump from the city.
Until next time, keep doing what you can to clean this world!
Skraptacular intern,