Thursday, November 28, 2013



Inspired by the confluence of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah or"Thanksgivukkah", Skraptacular turned yesterday's throw-away news into today's Menurkey, now on display in all his papier-mâché glory in the window at 100 Overlook Terrace in Washington Heights until December 7th.

Because we are all about seeing the connections between odd, disposable, disparate items, we, at Skraptacular, are thinking about the connections between Thanksgiving, a time to count our bounty and blessings, and Hanukkah, a time to remember the miracle of how oil for only one day of light lasted eight whole days in an ancient temple's menorah.

We're also thinking of Skraptacular's eighth anniversary-from our scrappy beginnings in Michelle Del Guercio's apartment in 2005, to having our own studio space and partnerships across the city. It seems like a good to time to count our blessings, or at least eight of them. We're thankful for:

1. Every person who believes in a sustainable future
2. The dedicated young interns who breathe life into Skraptacular
3. Our new partnerships forged in 2013:
 4. The Johnson Ohanna Foundation who made it possible for us educate and engage the public at over 30 events this past year
5. The Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance for helping to fund our new space
6. The Max and Anna Levinson Foundation that has been a loyal supporter, making it possible to continue our weekly internship program and develop our educational programs
7. All those who see beauty in creating art from trash 
8. Our volunteers who continue to keep light flames of inspiration

Don't forget that Skraptacular has partnered with #GivingTuesday to be part of a national movement to give to those in need and causes we support, coming after the spend-a-thon of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. If you believe in what we do, please use #GivingTuesday to support our vital work.

Skraptacular Holiday Eco Gift-Making Workshop and Tree Sale
Date: Saturday, December 7
Time: 1 - 5 PM
Place: P.S. 187, 349 Cabrini Boulevard @ W. 187th St.
Take the A train to 190th St. (take the elevator up to Fort Washington Ave)
What: Using refuse, old tools, fabric, jewelry parts, corks, wires and more "scraps" you'll come home with tote bags, hand-bound books, dream catchers, ornaments, and whatever your creative, fertile imagination concocts.
To find out more go to
To volunteer write to:
To be a part Skraptacular, sign-up for New York City Skraptacular Meet-up Group

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Monday, November 25, 2013

#Giving Tuesday


Skraptacular Urges You to Join #GivingTuesday

Skraptacular is joining a national movement to celebrate #GivingTuesday: a day when charities, individuals, families, businesses, community centers, students, retailers, and others come together to encourage more, better and smarter giving during the Holiday Season.

Following Black Friday and Cyber Monday, two of the biggest shopping days of the year, #GivingTuesday is a day to give, rather than spend. Last year 100,000 people like you participated. The #GivingTuesday campaign is a platform for you to contribute to your community to help make this the biggest giving season yet! All of us at Skraptacular know that you care about making a difference, and that's why we invite you to join #GivingTuesday.

Donate to or volunteer for groups you care about (we hope that includes Skraptacular) and encourage your friends to give. Let's show the world that when we open our wallets we can change the world for the better.
Watch this video to learn more about this movement:

Participate in #GivingTuesday on December 3, 2013

or read about Skraptacular's participation: 

Found: Gifts with Heart and Art

And you don't have to use your credit card or cash to participate in #GivingTuesday. Take a page from Skraptacular's (recycled) book: make something special for someone you love from all the plastic clamshells, packing peanuts and cardboard that come with Black Friday and Cyber Monday specials. Here's one idea:

If you thought that was fun, mark your calendar for our eighth annual
Skraptacular Holiday Eco Gift-Making Workshop
Date: Saturday, December 7
Time: 1 - 5 PM
Place: P.S. 187, 349 Cabrini Boulevard @ W. 187th St.
Take the A train to 190th St. (take the elevator up to Fort Washington Ave)
What: Using refuse, old tools, fabric, jewelry parts, corks, wires and more "skraps" you'll come home with tote bags, hand-bound books, mobiles, ornaments, and whatever your creative, fertile imagination concocts.