A close friend passed away a couple of weeks ago from melanoma. In a moment of reflection in the last e-mail, she wrote, " What we have to be happy for is all right there in front of us so just enjoy and don't sweat the small stuff." Something pretty simple that I've heard before, in this context it resonated....… I 'm working on applying the notion to my photography. I have a tendency at times to over think where I'm heading with a project, what the outcome will be, what if it fails , etc., all that self doubt that comes with being an artist( in many cases). So often I talk myself out of something before I even begin. It truly is all right there in front of us and we just need to trust the ideas, give them a chance to come alive and eliminate the self inflicted judgement. It is our job to just put the work out there. So that's where I'm at, just trying to enjoy the process document what speaks to me.
Monday is Freddy Hubbard's memorial at St John the Divine I'll be there shooting.
The Earth Day parade was a slight disappointment, a very watered down version of last year.
The spirit was there and the tradition of the tree planting ceremony and parade are now in place for years to come.
who are you thanking....LIZZI from ROME?
I've got two Lizzi's in my life. I had no idea you were following my blog. Grazie grazie.
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