Monday, November 14, 2011

When: Saturday, December 3rd

1p.m.–5p.m. $5 per person

Where: Muscota New School

between 204th & Academy (Subway: A train to Dyckman St.)


Holiday Eco Gift-Making Workshop

Don’t go to the mall, come have a ball making it all!

Get all your gift getting done early!

Open to the whole community, for all ages!!!

Local artists will be

on hand guiding us to create:

Hand-made poetry books,

bags, purses, mobiles, jewelry,

sculptures and whatever else

the artist comes up with.

All materials provided.

Also, you may bring items

that need festive patching!

For more information:


Presented to you by the Parents’ Associations

of Muscota New School and Skraptacular

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Skraptacular Eco Fest

Last Friday on October 7th 2011 we were blessed with a beautiful day for our Skraptacular Earth celebration. It was a day of marching, chanting, singing and raising environmental awareness in Northern Manhattan where residents recycle the least in all of Manhattan.
An enormous heart felt thanks goes out to Camille Wallin, Muscota New School principal and Dede Budd, the principal of PS 178 and all the staff, volunteers and students for supporting this urgent community effort.

Don't cut trees. Eat your peas! - Enrique, Muscota New School
1...2...3...4 Come let's reduce some more! 5...6...7...8 open that reusing gate!
Muscota elders leading the way to the land of no away

Thomas and Tara from Allstar Adventures welcome the marchers.

Enter under the golden arch with an E for Earth over your heart.

#1 cheerleader! Muscota music teacher, Megan Benay

Old friends reunited for a worthy cause

Troy leads the sing-along with Noelina and Jasmin's classes from Ps 178
I loved their creative design for Earth hats!

A Big thanks to all the community volunteers who lead the Earth Fest workshops.
Sarah from Solar 1 came all the way up town to host the Eco Jeopardy Game!
Pamela Peeters worked with students on The Sustainable Planet Eco Hero Project.
Jazmin from The New York Restoration Project gave 2nd and 3rd graders a lesson in planting
Natalie from the Lower East Side Ecology Center giving 3rd graders the dirt on dirt.
Thor from City Science taught Muscota 5th graders how to understand suspension and compression by feeling it.
Poet, Jane Lecroy taught young writers to use nature as inspiration.

Julia Attaway from Friends of Fort Tryon Trust explored our "back yard" to discover nature mysteries.
Ermin from Grow NYC Engaged young people in the Grow NYC Recycle Game. Don't forget, if it doesn't have a neck it doesn't get recycled!
Wilson Martinez from Unwaste NY introduced students to simple and innovative ways to reduce energy use.

Wow! Leisia's class from Muscota made REALLY beautiful signs! Thanks for rallying guys and gals!

A special thanks to all the parents who joined us with Earth loving energy to help keep our kids safe.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Editor's choice blue ribbon for this year's Maker Faire....yea!

Friday, September 16, 2011

The interns preparing well in advance for the Maker Faire Skraptacular Parade

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Creating something GREAT from nothing!

For Immediate Release

Contact Michelle Del Guercio (917) 699 8136

NEW YORK, September 17th & 18thSKRAPTACULAR! a grassroots recycling organization which works with New York City schoolchildren to creatively reduce and reuse waste materials, will have a larger-than- life presence at the second annual World Maker Faire at the N.Y. Hall of Science in Flushing Meadow Queens.

September 17th and 18th.

SKRAPTACULAR! will be on hand educating Fair goers to rethink what they do with their waste. Northern Manhattan SKRAPTACULAR! crafty kids will take to the fairgrounds, encouraging and enticing World Maker Faire attendees how they can to do their part to make less garbage. A carnival of visual and performance arts, poetry and song will remind New Yorkers how to reduce, reuse, recycle and rethink how to save our environment and reduce waste while having fun.

SKRAPTACULAR! Performers will take the NPR "Rock-it-Science Stage", followed by a SKRAPTACULAR! Parade at 4pm on Saturday September 17th, open to all.

Visit our SKRAPTACULAR! booth to learn more about what we do.